Team Sento Medical

Sento Fysiotherapie Amsterdam
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Team Sento Medical

Sento Fysiotherapie Amsterdam
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Sento Medical

Physiotherapy and manual therapy

The physiotherapists of Sento Medical have different specializations. As a physiotherapist practice in Amsterdam, we can assist you in almost all cases when it comes to musculoskeletal complaints.

Sento Medical’s team of physiotherapists consists of Derek Sweijen, Paul Lemstra and Kije Brinkhoff.

Fysiotherapie Sento Amsterdam | Derek Sweijen

Derek Sweijen: Physiotherapist, specialist sports rehabilitation & rehabilitation after corona.
More about Derek >

Fysiotherapie Sento Amsterdam | Paul Lemstra

Paul Lemstra: Manual Therapist & Physiotherapist.
More about Paul >

Kije Brinkhoff: Physiotherapist, Psychosomatic physiotherapist (io), ACT (Acceptence & Commitment Therapy) and mindfulness coaching.
More about Kije >